Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls

Hastings House, Alipore,Kolkata-27




Notice No: SNGGDCG/58

                                          Date: 17/02/2025


This is hereby notified to all stakeholders of the college that the institution has become the partner institution for YuWaah, a UNICEF initiative.  The institution has been successfully empanelled in the UNICEF portal to conduct P2E (Passport to Earning) courses. The following self-paced courses, which will be free of cost, can be undertaken by the students of the institution:


1. Digital Productivity - 75 Minutes 

2. Financial Literacy - 300 Minutes

3. Become Job Ready –200 Minutes

4. Build Your Own Business – 209 Minutes


The following members of the committee can be contacted for any further information and guidance:

1. Ms. Yasmin Chaudhuri, Head & Assistant Professor of English, (Nodal Officer of this project in the college), & 9883313963

2. Dr. Nabanita Basu, Assistant Professor of Bengali, 8334837683


All semester VI students must gather at room no. G1 (ground floor) on 28.02.2025 (Friday) at 1.30 pm for an orientation cum registration program for the above said courses with Ms. Yasmin Chaudhuri.




Sd/-                                                                                                       Sd/-

Dr. Sebanti Bhattacharya         

Officer in Charge

Sister Nibedita Govt. General Degree College for Girls                                                                      



Dr. Piya Seth


Career counseling & Placement cell

Sister Nibedita Govt. General Degree College for Girls


