Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls

Hastings House, Alipore, Kolkata-27


Notice No: SNGGDCG/33                                                                           Date: 22/01/2025


Students of SEM1, SEM3 & SEM5 are hereby informed that the THIRD date of verification of the documents for SVMCM (FRESH and RENEWAL) by the college is 30.01.2025. from 11:30 PM to 1.30 PM at Room no. T1 (3rd Floor, Dept. of Microbiology).


Eligible students willing to apply (Fresh and Renewal) for the SVMCM scholarship must go through the previous NOTICE ( Notice NO. SNGGDCG/237 Dt. 21/11/2024) for required documents and procedure.


2nd Renewal Applicant should bring the Printed copy of duly filled SVMCM Application form with other necessary documents , if not submitted earlier.


3rd Renewal Applicants MUST submit all the nessary documents and photocopies of SEM1&SEM3 marksheets required for Utilisation certificate, if not submitted earlier. Applying for UC after the mentioned due date will not be entertained for the AY 2024-25.


Also for any queries students applying for SVMCM scholarship as fresh /renewal are requested to be present.




Sd/-                                                                                      Sd/-


Dr. Sebanti Bhattacharya                                                Dr. Arundhati Bhattacharya

Officer-in-Charge,                                                           Convenor,

                                                                                          Students’ Welfare & Scholarship Sub Committee

Sister Nibedita Government General                              Sister Nibedita Government

Degree College for Girls                                                 General Degree College for Girls


